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What is a Freegle?

Each year tens of thousands of dogs, mostly beagles, are routinely used in animal research in laboratories across the world. For some of these lucky dogs, they find sanctuary. These dogs often behold their change in circumstances with a mixture of bewilderment and fear.

Beagles are the breed of choice for research due to their docile nature and sweet dispositions. They are also known to be comical and boisterous dogs. Once retired from research and before long, their personalities begin to emerge as they become accustomed to living life as a dog. Some are more timid than others as they take their first tentative steps on the ground while others quickly learn to stretch their legs and run like the wind.

The name Freegle was first heard amidst a large release of beagles back in 2010, where 120 beagles were released from a research facility in New Jersey and subsequently named Free Beagles or Freegles for short.

As you explore our site you will have the opportunity to meet some of the Freegles from that 2010 release and learn a bit about them. Some are free spirits and some remain a bit timid. All have several things in common; they crave affection, love to eat, play, hike, run and nap on the bed. Each of them has their own unique personality and silly quirks much like any other dog. Their adoptive families have all given these special beagles the time they needed to learn how to be dogs.

We at BeFreegle Foundation look forward to the day when animal testing is no longer necessary but in the meantime we actively pursue each and every opportunity to help beagles and other dogs of research so that they too can be, now and forever, Freegles. When choosing your next pet please consider adopting a Freegle. We promise, you will be glad you did. For now please choose a Freegle to begin your journey.